Monday, May 18, 2015

Memoir assesments

Task #1
I was born with curiosiry. I've had good luck. I am happy in life.

Task #2

Disappointments - My cousin moving to U.S.A.
Accomplishments – Winning a Race      
Conflicts – Fighting with my brother. When I was angry at my parents
Fears – Lost in the mega mall – I felt someone watching me
Luck – Going to France in a camp.
Enemies – Kid who bothered me at 4th grade
Gratitude – having Grandparents
Jealousy – When my brother got something that I needed more


1. Dissappointment

I have always been close to my cousin. Even though, I didn't know he could keep such a big secret. He was moving to the U.S. I found out because I eavesdropped my parents talking about it. This really dissappointed me, but I would later find out the real reason why he was moving, and it isn't a bad one. He got accepted in a unoversity there! I was now happy that he could do what he likes.

2. Accomplishments

It was really sunny, and I was thirsty. The race was about to start, I was standing on the line, ready to go. When the whistle blowed, we all started running, I was moving up really quickly. 4th, 3rd, 2nd. At this point, I thought i'd lost, But something made me keep going. I ran past the kid on 1st place and crossed the line. Victory!

Task #3

 I was staring at the door, when I saw a figure. In that moment, I realized that I was not alone.

If only I had been more careful. I should have put my hand above the pan, not in it.

It started out as an ordinary day, but then something bad happened. I was at the ocean, when a huge wave threw me to the ground. I started feeling a lot of pain in my foot, and it was getting green. It was broken.

Task #4

My roles:

Best friend

 I have never liked school. To me, it is boring and the part I like the most is being with friends. Although i don't like it, I know it is my responsibility, so I try my best at it.  This way I will make sure my future is better, and Ill have more chances to live the life I've always wanted.

At first, I knew nobody in the camp. I was trying to make friends, but there were moatly weird people there. After being alone for a bit, I found David and Roberto. We started talking, and became friends. In a week, i became friends with almost half the people there. 

While on class, I hate to be bothered. I like to be quiet, and try to focus on my task the best I can. I dont mind if people laugh at me for trying and putting some effort on my task. I know that the ones that laugh are suffering the consequences. Not me. 

Task #5

What do you hope for?
- Good life
- Having a good job
-Not need to worry about money 
-Have a happy life. 

Significant Milestones
- Learning english
- Being in school
- Having friends and loved ones
- Learning about past mistakes

 livin' the good life and having friends and loved ones

To live the good life, you need a lot of things, But the most important ones are friends and loved ones. These are necessary in order to get lots of benefints like happiness, and not being lonely. Your family and friends will be useful to get chances at jobs, be with you in sad moments and save you in though times. This is why they are crucial.

I plan to make these become a reality by helping my friends and family, hoping they can return the favour. I will also take any chances I have, and not let problems get in my way. This is how I plan to live my future life, the good life.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

My ABC Biography

Altitude- It is one of the things I hate but like the most.
Birth- When I was born!
Courious- I am very curious; I always want to know things and get questions answered.
Day- When I can see a lot of things, including friends and family.
Espinosa- my last name, determines who I am
Fernando- My Grandparent. He is my role-model
Growing- While I grow I learn lost of new things
Helping- I like to help others
Ignorance- I dont like ignorance. It is one of the things I think shouldn't exist.
Jose-My nickname
Kazan-My dog. I love him a lot
Life- It is what we most learn of
Mistakes- Everyone does mistakes. They are what makes us human
Navarro-My 2nd last name. It represents my family as well
Opportunities- I think everyone should be given another chance.
Pibe-My dog. He makes me laugh, even when Im angry or sad
Quiet- I like to be quiet
Running- I like running
Santana- Where a lot of my childhood happens
Tranquility- I like being in silence and not bothered: away from other people.
Unerstanding- I always try to understand others
Violence- I dont like Violence. Only In videogames ;)
Wonder- I always wonder about things
Xilophone- Reminds me of music. I love music.
Youth- Teaches me lessons and brings me good memories
Zoo- I love animals

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Vulture Eye

Tell tale heart

Tell tale heart is a story narrated by a guy who says people claim him to be crazy. This man tells us how he managed to sneak in to the room of an old man who had a "vuture eye" and stared at him at his sleep. Every time he saw the eye, the man got angry, finally ending up killing the old man and handing himself out to the police because of guilt.

"His eye was like the eye of a vulture, the eye of one of those terrible birds that watch and wait while an animal dies, and then fall upon the dead body and pull it to pieces to eat it". The author uses a type of imagery that makes you feel uneasy. The author uses this so you can feel what the crazy man in the story goes through, and makes you picture a specific scene.


The crazy man

" Its true, Yes! I have been ill, very ill". The man explains he is 'ill' but not crazy, the character knows that he has something wrong, but won't admit it. Instead, he tries to change the story so it looks like it wasn't bad. "Then, carefully, I lifted the cloth, just a little, so that a single, thin, small light fell across that eye.  For seven nights I did this, seven long nights, every night at midnight" This can make us picture that the character is beggining to act irrationally, which might lead him to something unexpected. These are hints the author gives us to what might happen; he makes us picture many different scenes making us wanna read more.

Image result for angry crazy man

Tell tale heart is a short, although very suspensive story. It makes you keep wondering what might happen next, or what you think shouldn't happen. The story drags you in, really making you wanna read it until the very end.

Get ready for your exam...


Examiation day is about a kid who has a normal life, just like ours. He then finds out that on his 12th birthday he needs to take a test that is nothing like the school ones. His parents start getting worried and hide something from Dickie. After Dickie takes the test, a drone informs he was above average and said this afterwards: "Wether his body interred by the givernment, or would you prefer a private burial place?"

This story's imagery is not too descriptive, but it manages to create a good picture in your head of the character's situation. Another thing the author does is create a kind of suspense with the imagery.

Image result for chair with laptop table "here a single wooden armchair faced a multi-dialled computing machine. There was a microphone on the left arm of the chair, and when the boy sat down, he found its pinpoint head conveniently at his mouth" How did they know this? had his government been watching him before the test?

Now I wanna talk about how the Jordans' behaviour was affecting the book's development. On the book we can see Mr. Jordan behaving strangely. He is clearly angry or worried about something and is hiding it from Dickie."-Forget about it,- he said. -He’ll do all right-". "Nobody knows,- his father snapped, then immediately regretted his abruptness." Why is Mr. Jordan like this? You would get the answer later. As any other parent, Mr Jordan is worried about his son and wants to take care of him, so he tries to explain to Dickie how the test will go. "Now, it’s nothing to worry about. Thousands of children take this test every day. The Government wants to know how smart you are, Dickie. That’s all there is to it.’' . There is a noticable mood of sadness and worries.
Image result for dad talking to 12 year old son

This story was really interesting to read. It has a way of creating suspension to you. the story also turns around everything after you know how things really are with the 'simple test'. This story explains how our lives are chosen and managed by technology too.

Monday, January 19, 2015


After he leaves the community, Jonas faces a whole new threat. Him and Gabe need to go through a really tough Journey in Elswhere. After experiencing hunger, weakness, and pain, Jonas finally reaches the final hill. This would mark his destiny and the whole community's destiny too. When he reaches the top, Jonas finds a sled, which he uses to get to the bottom. But it doesn't end here. We are still left with one question- Does he leave or does he die?

"He forced his eyes open, as he went downward and downward, sliding, and all at once he could see lights..." Did Jonas live or die? In my opinion, he lived. I think that Jonas was able to reach his destination. This question is left to every reader, but this might not be the end. Many people think Jonas died because the place he arrived seemed like a "Description of heaven". For me, It should be better for Jonas to live because if not, all this trip would have been for nothing. 

Why did Lois Lowry leave an unclosed ending? If there is an ending for the book, did she ever reveal it? I would personally lime to keep the ending as I want it to be. This way, the experience of reading this book would be better and not ruined.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Stepping in War...


Jonas walks in to another day of training with the Giver. When he arrives, the giver is feeling a lot of pain, which he transfers to Jonas. This pain turns out to be the memory of WAR. After this, the Giver feels really bad for Jonas, so he transfers him the memory of Christmas and Love. This was really new to Jonas, he had never felt such strong feelings as Love. Thinking about it all day, Jonas finally makes his own decision when he stop taking the pills. Finally, after a talk with the Giver, the Giver confesses a thought he had: What if he could help people get memories back?

"If you floated off in the river, I suppose I could help the whole community the way I helped you.  It ´s an interesting concept. I need to think about it some more. Maybe well talk about it again sometime. But not now".(145)
I wonder what is the giver planning. Will the community get the memories back? Or will the plan not work if they try it? This chapter has let me a lot to predict, but it is also showing that something strange will happen in just a few chapters. I think that the climax might happen when this event occurs. What will Jonas do when it happens?

It could be probable that the plan won´t work. What would happen if instead of helping people, it destroyed them? There could even be a darker purpose on the story and turn the whole book around. Maybe I could find out on the last few chapters. The question comes again; What will Jonas do?Reaction GIF: what?, Robert Downey Jr., Sherlock Holmes