Monday, December 1, 2014

Discovering a New Life-The Giver Chapters 1-5

''The feelings you described as wanting? They are your first Stirrings''(37)
The Giver has been a really intriguing book. The primary character, Jonas lives in a perfect world. Life is perfect, people  fight and have no feelings. Jonas is growing and getting to the age of 12, when his Job for the rest of his life. While he grows up, he discovers he is different; Jonas starts seeing objects change. Then, the stirrings begin. This is where chapter 5 will end.

"As usual, at the morning ritual..."(34)
Why would they make this rituals? is one question asked a lot while reading. The rituals might be to let go feelings. Feelings are seen as bad to the community when they are trapped inside the person. They get ridd of feelings so people dont do "Stupid things". This way, they will control the community in a better way.

Why does the government hide emotions? Why are they so strict about them? Maybe jonas will try to get back the stirrings. Another thing that could happen is Jonas getting in trouble for them. Will Jonas Get a good carreer to work on the rest of his life? Will the Government try to hide Jonas for some reason on the ceremony of twelve? Find it out on the next post!


  1. I agree with you Jose this blog looks really attractive and the paragraph are well structure.

  2. I like how you connect your quotes with all your text, and how you make questions that make more interesting your text.
