After Getting chosen as the reciever, Jonas finds out that there was another "Chosen One". He reads the rules for his job and one that impacts him a lot is Rule#7: You may Lie. When he arrives to his training, he meets a secretary, who tells him to open a locked door. If you had read the novel, you should know that there is no privacy, or differences in his community. After all this new things, he finally meets his menTor,"The Giver". Jonas' training begins when the mentor gives him 3 memories:
Memory of Snow and Sleds, Memory of Sunshine, and memory of Sunburn!
With This, Jonas starts thinking, Why would his community hide this beautiful things? The answer was simple. They brought problems.
"There's much more. All that goes Beyond- All that is Elswhere- and all that goes back, and back, and back. I recieved all of those, when I was selected. And here in this room, all alone, I re-experience them again, and again. It is how wisdom comes. And how we shape our future". I I really think about this quote when reading. Why is "Elswhere" hidden form people? Maybe we will find out later in the book. This quote is really interesting too, because it gives us an idea of Everything the Giver knows. Elswhere is something Jonas is really intruiged about. What will Happen when he finds out the ruth about it? Will it be bad or good?
What will happen next?
Will Jonas share his secrets? I think that Jonas will get on trouble for something. Or he could also share his knowledge to people, making the Government angry and he will fail as the chosen one!
Jonas is a really interesting character and is filled of questions that need to be answered.
i totally agree with you Jose